Hallo zusammen,
mit einer Frage an die Spezialisten unter euch: ich habe aufgrund
des besonderen Covermotivs (ohne Asterix drauf!),
der Andersartigkeit der Vorstellung der Hauptcharaktere dieses Bandes (mit Cäsar, Kleopatra, Numerobis, Pyradonis und Idefix in den Hauptrollen neben Asterix, Obelix und Miraculix!) auf der entsprechenden Seite, sowie
einer vermuteten gewissen zeichnerischen Distanz zu Uderzo (zumindest das Cover betreffend)
dieses thailändische Album, das wahrscheinlich aus den 1980er-Jahren stammt, erstanden:
http://cgi.ebay.de/Diff-Asterix-Cleopat ... 0553791366,
- kann jemand dazu Genaueres sagen, bzw. kennt das Werk einer von den Fremdsprachen-Sammlern (der ich eigentlich keiner bin) unter euch bereits aus eigener Habe - Leider steht ja die Covergalerie von Asterix International als Internet-Link nicht mehr zur Verfügung (und auch Asterix around the World - the many Languages of Asterix listet diese Ausgabe, soweit ich sehe, nicht)..
Danke, mit
LG von Andreas
Different Asterix & Cleopatra Thai Version Book
Different Asterix & Cleopatra Thai Version Book
- Dateianhänge
- Thai - Covermotiv.jpg (41.85 KiB) 4182 mal betrachtet
- Thai - Vorstellung der Hauptcharaktere.jpg (41.38 KiB) 4182 mal betrachtet
- Thai - Aus dem Inhalt.jpg (43.86 KiB) 4182 mal betrachtet
- Jochgem
- AsterIX Elder Council Member
- Beiträge: 456
- Registriert: 13. November 2001 11:58
- Wohnort: Leiden, The Netherlands
- Kontaktdaten:
Re: Different Asterix & Cleopatra Thai Version Book
Dear Findefix, that is a nice discovery. We (the Many Languages) know of two Thai Asterix editions, both pirate editions we believe. As we of course had good relations with Christians's Asterix International, I am quite sure they are not in his collection either. Are the pictures redrawn, or copies of perhaps the old black and white english editions?Findefix hat geschrieben:Leider steht ja die Covergalerie von Asterix International als Internet-Link nicht mehr zur Verfügung (und auch Asterix around the World - the many Languages of Asterix listet diese Ausgabe, soweit ich sehe, nicht)
Re: Different Asterix & Cleopatra Thai Version Book
Hello Hendrik Jan!
Subject: รายการ #140553791366 การชำระเงินทันทีที่ได้รับจาก
I got your payment from Paypal, thanks for your prompt. I'll send your item in early next week by Thailand Post registered air mail to the address you provide below. I think will take time about 20 days to you.
Kindest regards,
Andreas ... !
These are the latest news from last weekend concerning this book:Are the pictures redrawn, or copies of perhaps the old black and white english editions?
Subject: รายการ #140553791366 การชำระเงินทันทีที่ได้รับจาก
I got your payment from Paypal, thanks for your prompt. I'll send your item in early next week by Thailand Post registered air mail to the address you provide below. I think will take time about 20 days to you.
Kindest regards,
Andreas ... !
Re: Different Asterix & Cleopatra Thai Version Book
Hello Hendrik Jan!
Today I received the Asterix Thai book, - see the very interesting scans below! ... The most important things to say about are these: - the book is in regular A4 size and shows a binding with staples, there is no page with a Gallic map in it, but it includes the whole story which seems to me like being redrawn
Kindest regards,
Today I received the Asterix Thai book, - see the very interesting scans below! ... The most important things to say about are these: - the book is in regular A4 size and shows a binding with staples, there is no page with a Gallic map in it, but it includes the whole story which seems to me like being redrawn
Kindest regards,
- Dateianhänge
- THAI Cover fo.jpg (154.09 KiB) 4113 mal betrachtet
- THAI Heldenvorstellung fo.jpg (121.32 KiB) 4113 mal betrachtet
- THAI Beispielseite fo.jpg (134.9 KiB) 4113 mal betrachtet
Re: Different Asterix & Cleopatra Thai Version Book
btw: ... what an amazing profile of Cleopatra is shown in this book, -
the famous nose is very similar to it's beautiful filmed version of 2002
(but maybe 20 years later)! Thai book from the 1980s published by
Buntaungtoon Publishing.
Best regards,
the famous nose is very similar to it's beautiful filmed version of 2002
(but maybe 20 years later)! Thai book from the 1980s published by
Buntaungtoon Publishing.
Best regards,
- Dateianhänge
- THAI Kleopatra fo.jpg (77.76 KiB) 4113 mal betrachtet
- asterix-obelix-mission-cleopatre-original.jpg (21.5 KiB) 4113 mal betrachtet